Sunday, August 4, 2013

Diet Challenge

Ok...I will keep this short, but after doing a little research and lots of conversations with people and their diet choices, I have decided to try them out.  Keep in mind that all of us are different and I have no intention of bashing anyone's diet choice unless it is termed a food product, which is not food but a highly refined mess of calories. I do however want to see how my body reacts to certain dietary choices.  I will have a scale that will most likely be updated every week because a new question will come up. This week I am going to try a vegan diet for all my meals.

What is my current diet?  Whole foods, not a ton of wheat because my husband is gluten free, full fats, grass fed beef, some organic chicken and eggs, very little pork unless it is non nitrate/nitrite cured meats. Beans galore and whole grains.  I also enjoy fish and seafood, cane sugar, baked goods, wine, beer, coffee and tea. All in moderation of course.  I do need to lose weight. I exercise 5-6 days a week and have been known to have cake for dinner.  I eat seasonally for the most part.  That is just a nutshell.  I stay away from fast food except the occasional blakes lotaburger.

This week will be vegan and you can find the menu here.

Here are some quick guides.
For eggs...I will use two tablespoons of a flaxmeal slurry made with 2 tablespoons of flaxmeal and 1/3 cup of water.  Let sit for 10 minutes and good for up to 2 weeks in fridge.
For milk...almond or coconut milk
for butter...olive, grapeseed or coconut oil
for cheese or butter flavor...nutritional yeast and pureed soaked nuts such as cashews and pinon

Now for the scale: (I will format it into a likert scale next week)
Could I finish the diet?
Did I like the diet?
Would I do it again?
How do I feel?
Did I lose weight? (I will use my digital scale)
Did I lose inches? (I will use a sewing tape measure)
Where do I notice the difference?
How does my skin look?
Digestion system discomfort?

I also got to indulge in some Powdrells BBQ, chocolate cake and chips and dip at a birthday party last night and so I am ready to get started.  See results next week as I will be ending on Saturday.  Right on time before another party.

My breakfasts...I eat this normally so there shouldn't be too much trouble.

Sarah's favorite breakfast thanks to her friend, Elise. This is totally adaptable and I usually eat with whole milk. Not everyone will like the oat texture, but hey I am trying a full on vegan diet so you can try this.

Farm Oats adapted from Elise and Emerson

1/2 cup raw oats
1 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
1/2 banana
2 tablespoons of shredded coconut
1/2 cup mixed berries
a sprinkle of cinnamon
1 tsp flax meal
1 tbl toasted or raw nuts of choice

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