Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hello Again

It has been a long time since I have posted on this blog.  I have wanted to, but time has been precious over the course of the past 2 years.  It is sad that I had to let go of on of my creative outlets, but sometimes we make sacrifices for the greater good and I will explain more of that as I hopefully begin writing weekly again.  I did accomplish finally receiving my Masters Degree in Community Health Education and hope to put it to excellent use.

Currently,  I was just hired as a personal chef with my philosophy in mind about food.  This philosophy is fluid and proposes a respectful stance towards how life and food interconnect on more than a physical level. The couple I will cook for have some health challenges that they are successfully overcoming, but it takes a lot of work to do and then when the quality of life takes a stab, I think we all question is all the work worth it.  I am glad that I can help. I think my price is reasonable and I only work one day a week for now. I have another prospective position with the Bernalillo County Extension Service as an urban 4-H agent.  Wish me luck. Say prayers, light candles! I present for this position on July 25. Eek!

I will say that they prefer a low fat Vegan diet and I will post some of those creations as well as what I do for my own family and friends.  Stay tuned...I start Wednesday.