Thursday, June 16, 2011

Setbacks and Accomplishments with a Side of Creamed Corn

I do not consider myself a lazy person, but I digress.  I am when it comes to this blog.  I really don’t want to try and make this fresh new design that really puts this blog on the map.  I have spent about four or five hours doing this and I keep coming up with nothing.  I feel a bit like Daffy Duck trying to find the easy way out.  I would rather be updating everyone on a new week of fun projects and such or cooking something awesome and I definitely have some weeding and more planting to do.  But noooo.   I spend hours trying to find an easy way to not spend a lot of time using the free download of Photoshop to design a simple header.  This is one of my summer projects and the most daunting aside from the sprinkler line in the backyard busted when we installed timers on for our garden sprinklers.  Oh and the huge gaping hole in our ceiling due to a leaky pipe that cracked during the deep freeze in February. 

I finally have a new header.  I had to search for my Illustrator software just to make it.  There are still a few other things that I want to figure out like make a recipe index, but that will wait until I have a larger inventory of recipes to put in an index.  Meanwhile, our family has started a garden site in the area around the greenhouse at my son’s school.  We did a quick prep in the soil today and I am excited to plant tomorrow.  I get a little impatient though because since it is summer and it is a school, I don’t get a lot of communication of what I am allowed to do in order to advertise this expenditure.   I really want to create a page in a social network to get our garden out there in the city of Albuquerque at least.  So far the hopes for this garden is to provide a learning opportunity for the students who attend the school and parish (It is a Catholic School) and I hope to get crops for some tasting classes and for local food banks.   Below is a picture of the site and I hope to provide more with plants soon.


I plan to plant corn, squash, and beans.  I already have tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, carrots and lettuce in the green house that are ready to go in the ground.  I will also plant a pumpkin plant, lavender and melons.  I am excited to see how it goes.  For now, I am going to share a corn recipe.  Corn is versatile as a vegetable and a grain.  I like it as both, but nothing beats a sweet ear of corn with rich butter and some light seasoning.  One of my favorite ways to eat it is creamed.  I know the first image is the soupy syrupy stuff in the can.  Gross. I hate that especially because creamed corn is so easy to make and can be as simple or as complex as you like.   It is a star side dish that complements many foods and may demote the main course.

Spicy Creamed Corn

4 cups of corn (frozen or fresh, you do need the corn milk, the white milky liquid that comes from corn).
1 cup of cream, milk, or a mixture (you may not need this if you have enough corn milk (you can add more if you want a thinner consistency)
½ chopped onion
1 tbl butter or bacon fat
1 tbl olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic
A couple sprinkles of salt
Generous sprinkles of pepper
4 oz of green chile peppers, or a couple of chopped chipotles, 2 tbl red chile powder, or 1 roasted red pepper chopped
Chopped cilantro (optional)

Melt butter with olive oil on medium heat.  Add onion and sautee for about 5 minutes until transluscent.  Add garlic and cook until fragrant.   Add corn and cook until hot and some of the kernals are carmelized. Add cream and bring to a simmer.  Add salt, pepper and chiles and cook until hot.  If desired you can mash with a masher, put half in a blender, or use an immersion blender if you want to make a smoother texture. You get added calcium and protein in this dish. 

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