Ok, so the results of the Vegan diet challenge.
For the most part I felt pretty good with the exception of a
couple of days. I often hear the term
vegan cleanse and for me it seemed like the cleansing tool was a wire brush to
my intestines. I had a tender tummy for
a couple of days. I will probably have
to try this again because it was the week of my period, which I believe is a
major confounder to the results except the weight. I am usually heavier during my period and I
did not retain water at all on this diet.
I am foregoing the Likert scale since some of the questions
are more qualitative in nature and after all This is a pilot study on only one
person, me.
Could I finish the diet? Nope, I ate a burger on Saturday
night for Fiestas. See previous blog.
Did I like the diet? Yes, I loved it. The food was delicious and I felt that I
could eat larger portions and eat more often.
Who doesn’t like eating? I think
it helps that I am accustomed to cooking this way. I did really miss yogurt and
Would I do it again? Of course, after the diet I made a beet
veggie burger and have been craving one ever since. I will have to share the recipe soon. I don’t think I could ever become a strict
vegan because I love cheese and yogurt.
Vegan cheese= sweaty lump of soy nasty. Totally processed.
How do I feel? Not a big change here. I still felt tired and
I did feel hungrier.
Did I lose weight? (I will use my digital scale) I went from
154 to 150 in the seven days during my period which says a lot.
Did I lose inches? (I will use a sewing tape measure) no
Where do I notice the difference? In my poor gut L
How does my skin look? This is where the menses confounder
was obvious. I tend to break out during
my period and I did get a few blemishes on chin and jawline.
Digestion system discomfort? Oh yeah, my 4 year old even
told me to leave because I had some smelly bubble guts. Lots of intestinal discomfort on heavy bean

Sarah, Did you break the vegan fast because there were limited options at Fiestas or because you wanted to? To what extent will you bring or prepare your own food to stick with a diet?
ReplyDeleteHonestly, cuz I wanted to. Lucky me. I thought I was close enough to the finish line. It would have been my last vegan meal. I was also in the moment. I have such fond memories of fiestas and the special hamburger that I could eat with a group of really happy people.
ReplyDeleteHowever, my options were limited. I could have had an entire plate of fried chips, funnel cakes, fried twinkies, cokes, and slushies but I chose my poison, the burger. This also presents a problem with the fact that we all have to succumb to the only food fare offered at events such as these. What if I was a vegan, what if they did not offer taco burgers, Fil would not have been able to eat one. There is such personal ownership around food and foodways that it gets pretty political.
My extent. The best that I can. If it compromises me enough to feel totally terrible that I cannot perform daily duties, then I will quit. Lucky me that I even have that option. I think about that all the time. Especially now. I have only done one day of paleo and feel full but completely unsatisfied. For the most part, I will be making food to bring to events, but not if it is religious or extremely emotional nostalgia. What can I say, I am a sucker for feast days. Additionally, I won't do it if someone shares a meal with me. They are sharing and I would not want to use this as an excuse to not eat what offered.